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Durlabh - Singh

The Work of

Durlabh - Singh


Contact by email
Studio Location  
68 Raynham Avenue
London N18 2BS
United Kingdom
+44 2088030653
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Studio Hours
Mailing Address
68 Raynham Avenue
London N18 2BS
United Kingdom
Artist's Statement
" "

When the early man developed the use of his hand, his consciousness began to change.

Our brain needs stimulants as to change its structure, it is a malleable being. When the hand moves the pen, brush or a tool; it sends signal to brain for a change in its electronic circuit resulting in millions of new connection thus adding to human consciousness.

Now a days mechanical and electronic devices are taking over the labours of hand, thus reducing the capacity for expressions of our faculties. Such pragmatism is of limited concept. Around us there are other numerous forces, named and unnamed, which only the sensitivity and intuition of fingers can express , resulting in new creations.

To me painting especially oil painting is a mode of sensing and exploring the world around us, through the medium of hand. It is to me of prime importance that we retain this capacity. Conceptual and ready­made art is opposed to such spirit.


Durlabh - Singh Apples
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: Oil on Canvas
SIZE: 18x24
YEAR: 2014
PRICE: $$800
Self portrait in metaphysical landscape.

Durlabh - Singh ARrival
CLASS: Oil Painting
CATEGORY: Functional
MEDIA: Oil on Canvas
SIZE: 24x36
YEAR: 2014
PRICE: $$1200
Surrealistic depiction of train into your drawing room.
Blue Scarf

Durlabh - Singh Blue Scarf
Blue Scarf
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: Oil on canvas
SIZE: 24x36
YEAR: 2012
PRICE: $$1200
Portrait of a lady.

Durlabh - Singh Boats
CLASS: Oil Painting
CATEGORY: Landscape
MEDIA: Oil on Canvas
SIZE: 18x24
YEAR: 2015
PRICE: $$800
Seascape with boats.
Horse's Mouth

Durlabh - Singh Horse's Mouth
Horse's Mouth
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: Oil on Cancvas
SIZE: 20x26
YEAR: 2014
PRICE: $$1000
Expressionistic depiction of a horse in landscape.
Girl's Portrait

Durlabh - Singh Girl's Portrait
Girl's Portrait
CLASS: Oil Painting
CATEGORY: Replicas
MEDIA: Oil on Canvas
SIZE: 20x26
YEAR: 2013
PRICE: $$1000
Portrait of a girl.
The Sorcerer

Durlabh - Singh The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: Oil on Canvas
SIZE: 24x36
YEAR: 2014
PRICE: $$1200
A sorcerer in landscape.
Lady of Rock.

Durlabh - Singh Lady of Rock.
Lady of Rock.
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: Oil on Canvas
SIZE: 24x36
YEAR: 2012
PRICE: $$1200
Woman beside rocky coast.

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